
otrdiena, 2024. gada 22. oktobris

I-nami is an online management and accounting system for apartment owners' associations. It incorporates best practices in house management.

I-nami is an online management and accounting system for apartment owners' associations. It incorporates best practices in house management.
Quick and easy start

The interface of i-nami is designed to be convenient, simple, and user-friendly. It does not require extensive training to use the product. Both beginners and experienced accountants can easily navigate the system. Only a basic understanding of accounting principles is needed. There is also a step-by-step wizard available to guide users in setting up the system for work.

Import of start data

Prepare the Excel files with your data and upload them or enter data manually. When performing the first public utilities charge calculation, the system will retain an scheme that can be used in the next period.

Usage of the system is simple and intuitive

After logging into the system, it is possible to see the current stage of the public utility period, identify payments that need to be made to suppliers, and view reminders to be sent to those with delayed payments.

Automatically processed bank statements

When importing a bank file into the system, payments received are matched with the issued invoices. The system prevents duplicate entries of payments.

Calculation of utility payments

Apartment owners' associations may have their own rules for calculating utility payments. Our system simplifies the customization of calculations to meet the specific needs of your property. The data will be stored, and the monthly utility payment distribution among apartments will be automatically calculated. Vendor invoiced amounts and utility prices can be easily entered into the system.

Portal for apartment owners / tenants

On the portal, you can access information about your invoices (also in PDF form), payments, meter readings, current property management issues, and the association's statutes.

Submission of meter readings

The meter readings are entered in the portal for apartment owners/tenants.  , from where they automatically enter the system. If readings are obtained remotely, the data is transferred to the system through a data transfer channel or file.

Automated billing via email.

The bill for utilities is automatically sent via e-mail.

Preparation of documents for submission to the SRS

Preparation of documents for submission to the SRS

The system provides annual report documents to be submitted to the SRS.

Download data in PDF and Excel files

The data in the system can be downloaded and saved in PDF and Excel files.

User support 24/7


Issues and problems related to the use of the system are promptly addressed by contacting our specialists.


The price is indicated (without VAT) per apartment/month and depends on the number of apartments.

First month is free.

There is possibility to add your required functionality.

1.- eur

1 - 25 ap.

0.70 eur

26 - 250 ap.

0.50 eur

251 ap. and more


     try it out now!

  • Resident:
    • Home page
      • - the graph shows the amount for the apartment, MIN, MAX, and average amounts for the building in EUR
      • - the graph shows the utilities consumption for the apartment, MAX and the average for the building
      • - info about new messages
      • - info on new polls
    • Invoices
      • - Doc.Nr. account, period, amounts, term of payment
      • - ability to print an invoice in PDF format
      • - payment information Doc.Nr., payment date, amount
    • Send meter readings
    • Information about meters
      • - the meter number in the apartment, meter start date, end date, average consumption
    • Participate in the survey
    • Receive messages from building management module
  • For building management:
    • Getting started
      • Information about the company
      • Building
      • Bank account
      • Building meters
      • Upload residents data
      • Creating periods
        • - only when you start work
        • - when period will be closed and the calculation is posted to general ledger - the new period will be created automatically.
      • Apartment meter import
    • Customize the system for your own needs
      • Chart of accounts
      • Creditors (suppliers, staff)
      • Communal services
      • UOMs
    • Calculation of utility payments
      • Meter data
      • Bank
      • Calculations by period
    • Invoices
      • Invoices for apartments
        • - resident invoices for the period specified
        • - send invoices to residents portal
      • printout - invoices for person
      • printout - summary for utilities calculation
      • Information text in invoices
    • Info about apartment
      • invoices and payments
      • transferred meter readings
      • what are the meter in the apartment
      • changes in services
        • - if there have been changes in the number of residents in the apartment for a certain period, please provide the start date, end date, and the corresponding service for which the number of people on the invoices needs to be adjusted.
      • info about apartment
        • - apartment m2, number of persons, name, identification number, personal account No., telephone, e-mail
      • person change history
      • notes
    • General journal
      • General journal
      • Periodic general journal
        • - records in the periodic general journal will remain after the transaction is posted
    • Reports
      • Account turnover
      • Account balance
      • Annual report
    • History
      • calculations based on the period for buildings
      • bank transactions history
      • account entries history
    • Communication with person
      • Formation of questionnaires
      • Notifications to resident

    Watch the  Video YouTube  (in the settings, it is possible to adjust the video speed)


    +371 20224023


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    жители, жителей, отзывы, онлайн-учет, обществ, домоуправляющих, компаний, домовладельцев, коммунальные услуги, система бухгалтерского учета, годовых отчетов, бухгалтер обществ, баланс, расчет прибыли